Quick post today – since the workouts were quick..
Slept solid into my 5:20 alarm, then did the typical morning mind game: can I swim later?, maybe I just run first, then swim?…maybe I can run this afternoon and swim at 9:30am, maybe, maybe, maybe…but after 23 yrs of swimming and getting up for morning practices, I know that a) the sleep after that first wake up and mind games is never that good – its compromised by guilt…b) you always regret not just getting it done early…end up trying to fit in the workouts vs. really doing them as planned.
Up and on my cruiser bike by 5:35…in water at 5:50 (yes – I live close to pool) – 4000 yrds, felt decent, not great – as some fatigue from StretchCordz and days prior creeping in. But some fun IM mixed into distance freestyle set was just right. Also was nice to swim with a good friend of many years. He pushed me a tick harder than I would have on my own…
home – quick coffee and bagel, then out the door for a trail run. Ran with dogs – early enough that it wasn’t too hot for them yet. 10 miles of single track rolling trails back in the Redwoods of Baltimore Canyon. Aerobic run. Just looking to layer these days well as the work begins tomorrow: Morning class with lots of intensity – then off to Park City – with an afternoon neg split 90 min run. Not sure if it will be trails, but either way – neg. split focus, fast feet, light finish.
Home – bigger breaky – more coffee – and pack it up to head to Berkeley Skatepark!
My morning mind game reminded me of what this training (and coaching) is all about. The way we perform come race day is the result of a lot of small decisions/choices over time. We tend to fall into a line of thinking that how we race when it counts is because of one large, meaningful focus, change, commitment. Actually its about all the accumulation of the little choices that make the greatest impact…especially in a past life where your focus is 3-4 years away, its easy to ‘pass’ on the occasional workout, drylands, sleep, nutritional focus…These smaller choices look small in the short-term, and when looked at individually, they appear to have little impact…but as time creeps along (and it does on some of these long training days or in a 4 year Olympic cycle!) these choices, this awareness, this ‘paying attention” begins to add up.
One morning sleeping in – pushing the workouts to later in the day, but not feeling that good, or being as focused, might not create much of a gap between me and my desired finish line time/result, but a season’s worth of the occasional compromised workout, lack of focus, or slip ups will quickly create a very noticeable (and regrettable) gap between my result and desired outcome. Too often after the race it’s “what could I have done better”? Unfortunately we then focus on those bigger things: different training, losing weight, bigger base, changing coaches, new bike (!)…but its those little battle that add up to feeling good about your result – no matter what that result is! I did what I needed to do in order to have the best outcome today:..focused on technique..reflected/took accountability of my training…won the small battles by focusing on today…did something a bit better today than yesterday…
Friday Funday tomorrow!