November Update

Hi All:

I look forward to starting with all of you soon for 2012, as it is time to get the preseason work going in order for all of us not to feel rushed into 2012.  Just an idea of what this planning looks like:
22 weeks until California 70.3
27 weeks until IM SG
29 weeks until IM TX
Avg weeks needs in Strength work for maximum results:  8-12 weeks
Avg weeks needed in Base Training (developing endurance while maintaining strength): 6-8 weeks
Avg weeks needed in Competition specific Phase (capitalizing on the strength work and outstanding aerobic capacity): 8-12 weeks
Avg weeks needed to rest, taper and absorb: 3-5 weeks
As you can see, even on the short end of these avg’s, we are looking at approx. 25 weeks!
I hope you are all considering 2 things for 2012:
1) not starting too late in the season as improvements in results come from starting your new season fitter and better than last season, otherwise results stay the same
2) understanding that life circumstance such as health, work, family, and other commitments QUICKLY derail the shorter time windows listed above.
How do you want 2012 to go?
Chris Hauth
AIMP Coaching Services