Tahoe camp

Tahoe Camp 2012 Update

Hi all –

AIMP Coaching and SAG Monkey is excited to remind you all of AIMP Coaching’s 12th annual Tahoe Summer training camp!  I can’t believe its been 12 years.
Tahoe training camp has always been designed to prepare you for the second half of the season.  Whether an IM or a Half IM, it is a great week of bigger training and beautiful training opportunities.
HOW will it work this year?  Most of you have your own housing opportunities up in Tahoe.  Therefore Nick (SAG Monkey) and I will rent only one bigger house that will serve as headquarters for the week.  BBQ’s, post race relax time, bike mechanical work, dinners, breakfasts when organized, etc. at the house.  We will also meet there and coordinate training rides, runs and just have it as a general camp house.  I am looking for a house ON Donner Lake.
A few people can stay with us in that house – but mainly I am counting on you all finding your own housing – or having your own housing organized.
MEALS: Some meals will be organized.  It depends on what all of the camp attendees would like.  Nick can prep some great meals and BBQ’s.
TRAINING:  The training will be big.  Mainly aerobic – big miles – and I can go into more detail what this means and how important aerobic is when doing a big training week, but this is a big week of training.  We will swim practically every morning, we will be riding plenty long miles, and lots of transition runs and longer trail runs.
MASSAGE can be organized – depends on you and your needs.  If we have enough demand – might be worth bringing someone up.
WHO:  anyone can join.  Friends, other athletes.  It is open.  Please feel free to share this with your training partners etc.  It’s supposed to be a fun, unique and SOLID training week.  Also – if you or anyone is planning IM Tahoe next year – this might not be a bad idea to find out what you got yourself into.
SAG:  special this year is the SAG Monkey.  All our rides and a few runs will be SAGged.  Having the support of the Monkey Mobile along with his helping hand will allow for a better and unique camp experience.
WHEN:  Camp is from July 29 – August 5th.  Join for the week or just a few days, or just a weekend.
COSTS:  We will divide the costs of all into the daily participants.  So, for example:  if we have 12 people taking part early in the camp, those days the costs of SAG, house, and support, or dinners and whatever we decide, will be decided by 12.  If only 6 participants, divided by 6.  As many past participants remember, it is a simple non profit camp.
SCHEDULE:  as we get closer to the event, I will send out a schedule for the week.  As many of you know, the schedule is flexible as it depends on the training load, weather and overall group dynamics etc.  But it will give you an opportunity to review which days (or all) you want to attend.
Please let me know if you plan to attend.  More details to come – but for now just want to get a sense on who will join and prep with housing/camp logistics.